Ballinger Earns EcoVadis Bronze Ranking

Ballinger takes stewardship seriously. Not only do we prioritize the careful and responsible management of environmental resources, but we also value holding ourselves accountable to our human resources—our employees. It was in this spirit that we engaged in the Sustainability Scorecard Assessment process with EcoVadis, a global provider of business sustainability rankings.
The EcoVadis methodology is built on international sustainability standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact, and the ISO 26000. The Ecovadis Sustainability Scorecard illustrates performance across 21 indicators in four sectors: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. Ballinger’s assessment resulted in a bronze medal, with the highest scores in the arenas of environmental policy and awareness and flexible work.
With a baseline set, we will continue to challenge ourselves to contribute to a sustainable and equitable future for our employees and the world at large. At Ballinger, we view social responsibility as crucial to the success of our firm, our city, and the world. Learn more about our efforts.