Environments for Next-Generation Engineering Innovation

Ballinger Senior Principals Craig S. Spangler, AIA and Jonathan Friedan, PE, LEEP presented “Environments for Next-Generation Engineering Innovation” at the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) 2019 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference.
Engineering has increasingly become central to convergent scholarship for solving societal challenges and fostering student creativity and entrepreneurship, which demand profound transformations in engineering teaching and research environments. In the session held at the University of Maryland in College Park, Craig and Jonathon overviewed Ballinger’s transformational academic facilities plan and the recently opened A. James Clark Hall for the University’s A. James Clark School of Engineering.
Craig and Jonathan coached attendees on how to plan effective processes for campus district transformations and to qualitatively evaluate the effectiveness of facilities for next-generation engineering learning and discovery.
SCUP is a community of higher education leaders responsible for the integration of planning on their campuses and for the professionals who support them. Their 5000+ members represent the areas of planning, finance, administration, research, and IT who are charged with planning for the future of colleges and universities and the success of students.