Ballinger Employees Join the Fight Against Blood Cancer

This spring, Ballinger employees participated in fundraising events aimed at finding a cure for three types of blood cancer: myeloma, leukemia, and lymphoma. Staff members participated in Miles for Myeloma in honor of electrical engineering team member Alex Savekov, who passed away from the disease in 2022. “Alex regularly supported the International Myeloma Foundation and participated in this event himself,” said Ballinger Associate Principal Steve Miller, PE, “We are happy to support this cause on his behalf.”

Photo Credit: Rhonda Bowman
The second event, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Big Climb, challenged participants to scale the stairs of Philadelphia’s Lincoln Financial Field and raise funds in support of blood cancer research and patient advocacy. This year’s event included two routes, the “Need for Speed” route and the “Go with the Flow” route. Ballinger sponsored the route split, contributing to exceeding the event’s fundraising goal of $500,000.
Ballinger HR Specialist Kristy Crocetto expressed delight in seeing so many Ballinger team members and Philadelphians supporting this worthy cause. “It was a beautiful day. My son loved running through the players tunnel to blasting music and flashing lights,” Kristy said.

Photo Credit: Rhonda Bowman

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