Ballinger Healthcare Experts examine Evidence-Based Design in Pediatrics

Ballinger Senior Principal Louis Meilink, Jr., FAIA, FACHA, ACHE and Director of Healthcare Planning Dwight Smith, AIA, EDAC discussed evidence-based design (EBD) at this year’s Healthcare Design Expo and Conference, sponsored by the Center for Health Design.
EBD research to date has predominantly focused on the adult environment, with few examples of its impact on pediatrics. Throughout the design of the Golisano Children’s Hospital at the University of Rochester Medical Center, Ballinger tested and tracked the application of EBD principles and best practice theories as they apply to pediatric spaces.
Lou Meilink and Dwight Smith, along with Golisano Children’s Hospital Chief Operating Officer Elizabeth Lattimore, presented the outcome of their design process, highlighting strategies that are translatable between adult and pediatric populations.